Friday, June 25, 2010

Finalizing The Bridal Party

Photo Found Here

It seems as though I have left some very important mini attendees out of my bridal party entry. As soon as we picked an outdoor venue and everything was falling into place we knew we wanted to include our Boston Terrier, Minne. We're a young couple that doesn't have kids but we have been touched by the most awesome lovable creature who loves us no matter what and we couldn't imagine not having her part of our big day. The venue was great and said that as long as we didn't allow her inside and picked up after her, she was more than welcome for the fun. Since the reception was in a tent that was considered "inside" Minni could partake in photos and the ceremony.

As it turned out, we got married on one of the hottest days of 2009 and poor Minne was hot. We have some good photos of her. However, most of them she looks hot, really really hot. But there are some good photos with and we will always remember her being by our side on our big day.

I know you're asking yourself...But how did Minne walk down the aisle? That part was simple. We knew there were 2 very special people that we hadn't included yet in our wedding, our flower girl and ring bearer. We asked them to be in our wedding in those roles with the addition of walking Minne

We hadn't really thought through how that would work, it just sounded like a good idea and the kids loved it (both being animal lovers and all). We made a visit with each kid separately leading up to the wedding and the thing we kept hearing was "I can't wait to walk Minne all by myself."

Ut could both of them walk down 1 dog? Solution - 2 pink and green leashes from Old Navy latched to one harness, as seen below:

When you asked either child what their role was in the wedding, they say dog walker. Completely precious right?

We probabaly didn't need "dog walkers" but it was nice to know that if something scared Minne or if she saw a rabbit or a chipmunk, both kids were there leash in hand to take control. If one let go, there was still the other. They felt important, we felt important and it was one less thing for us to worry about on our wedding day.

Side Note: If you chose to have your little one in the wedding it helps to assign one person to be in charge of them - to clean up poop, give them water, ect. If you have a wedding cordinator remember they have other responsibilties and the watching of the pup should not be on their list. We had a family neighbor at the wedding who we asked to bring Minne home after the ceremony and join as back at the reception. It ended up being a huge sigh of relief.

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