Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Guess What This Is

Can you guess what this is?

The little 8 year old who gave me one of these called it a gia pet... not sure if that's a hint or not

Monday, February 21, 2011

Minne Monday

It's my bed, I might as well use a pillow right?


PS mom told me I had to start sleeping in another room, we'll see how that goes...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Date Night

The hubs and I received a very nice gift the other day, that's right, we got time to have a date. The first date night of 2011.

So what if it was a Wednesday or the fact that the date took place at my place of work. We got to "sit on the ice" and it was awesome. Here's a sneak peak of all our fun.

Oh and if you look hard you may spot my new hair. Thoughts?

Angry Friday

On my drive into work this morning I watched a man walking with a cane across the street get hit by the car in front of me. We were both turning left and when the light turned green, I'm guessing the guy in front of me didn't see the old man with a cane. He ran into the man with the front and center of the hood of his car, he wasn't going that fast but the man still plopped onto and off the car, rolled off onto the street where he bounced again.

I called for help (all the emergency vehicles) while all the other witnesses left... really people? What is wrong with you? There's an old man on road, bleeding above his eyes who can't get up but you're too busy to stay to make sure he's taken care of it? Maybe it's because I was near the city? or maybe it's because that's just how humans here now a days.

Regardless, I'm feeling angry at the world today.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm a sure thing!

I'm a "Shore" thing! Well that's what my husband told me any way (insert love sigh here)

PS I've wanted this for awhile. Go ahead, judgement starts now...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Vday from a friend

Love my friends, especially this one. Thanks Jess

My Husband and the Vday

My husband treats Vday like it's some kind of war operation. He honestly feels like he should treat every day like it's Valentine's day and the day itself should be like any other day. So the fact that I received this email from him early this morning well, it makes me smile.

Really, he's being sentimental here people. See only a few months ago we went to visit the city of brotherly love and we got to see the actual Love Statue and he loved it (pun intended). I think it's as close as we're going to get to acknowledging  feelings and what is today.

Thank you Google.

Minne Monday

Happy Valentines day and hello awkward moment

"Not sure what's worse, the snow, the ice or this sweater" - Minne

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Goose Island - 312

Time out, look who is using my photo!!!!

See that 312 image?  I took that as my husband shoveled. That's how he kept his beer cold during Blizzardmania a week ago today. Go me and my photography skills (go ahead and laugh - hahaha).

1 Week Anniversary

One week ago from today Chicago shut down. Honestly, the entire city shut down. Besides working from home I was able to spend some bonding time shoveling with the hubs and capturing some of these photos. Enjoy!

The ones at the end are the hubs 6ft high 7 ft wide fort. I'm serious. He was so proud.  

Happy 1 week anniversary Snomageddon or whatever it was we were calling you back then. For Minne snow video action check out this link.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Panic Attack - How do people do it

I thought this year was going to be awesome, now that we bought a house. You know, more weekend girls trips, some baseball games maybe a few concerts and a quality summer not working or looking for houses with the hubs.

Yikes! I was super wrong. I am currently putting together budgets for the next year for things I want to do and things we are doing. 
  • We are in 3 out of town weddings which means 3 weddings x2 (flights and hotels + all the bridal stuff + gifts), 3 showers, 3 BPs. In addition I am in another wedding but it's local but hotels will still be needed and the BP is in Vegas. 
  • We also have friends having babies and some travel is needed for baptisms.
  • We also decided to run a half marathon which recommends a few trial races (smaller ones working up the big one) x2 again. 
  • We also have a laundry list of things that have to get purchased for the house this summer (we've already cut the want list out all together)
The things above are have to do things, and I do not mean to write that in a negative way at all. I love weddings, in fact I may even be in love with them, believe me I wouldn't miss them oh well unless I had something just terrible happen (which has happened twice in my life). However great they are the fact is they are still expensive.

 Additional want to dos that are currently off the list unless I win the lottery
  • join friends on their yearly trip to Vegas for March Madness (we say we'll do it every year but something always comes up)
  • A trip to Seattle (to have good fish and to check the Mariner stadium off our baseball tour list)
  • 525 girls weekend in Florida
  • join friends for a 30th Birthday surprise (in Vegas...I'm beginning to think my life would be less expensive if I lived in Vegas)
  • A trip to Philly where we can actually watch the Phillies play - more for the hubs
  • A trip to Utah to ski and do the Olympic Bobsled (this has been a number 1 priority for the hubs since the winter Olympics...maybe next year?)
  • Attend some other sporting events - specific to the baseball tour
  • visit my grandmother to see Wicked
  • Our 1 year anniversary trip we said we'd take.... a year ago....
Now I know people who do it all and maybe they can do it all but the question is how? Do you put it all on credit? Do you ask other people to pay for it? Do you barter services on Craigs List? Some one tell me how you do it because to be honest, I want to do everything on this list. I will barter, I will barter down to every last item in my closest, I will even go as far as giving up my ovaries - see I'm for real. Let's make it happen people. 

Side note: we are also saving to visit my bestie in Germany and then to adopt kids...how do you save while doing all the above? Answer that and I'll make you some Monster Cookies from Jess's recipe

Minne Monday

There's not enough blankets in the world to warm me up after Blizzardmania.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Minne and the Blizzardmania

Tuesday night was just terrible. The winds were so bad it felt like I was living in the house from Wizard of Oz. Along with things like our pilot light going out, we had a dog who refused to go outside to the bathroom. Instead, she opted to sleep all of Tuesday evening into early afternoon Wednesday.

At that point we could tell she really had to go to the bathroom. She was pacing and making some whiny noises, so we decided we had to make her go out.

Attempt 1 didn't go so well.

Attempt 2 (about an hour later) went a little better, although you can see my hand pushing her out the door. We're still not sure that she went.
Finally we got her to go out for less than 5 seconds to do her business (no video, but come on do you really want to see that?).

Storms can be very traumatic on animals

She followed it up with another 5 hours of sleep while the hubs and I shoveled. More photos to come.