Wednesday, January 6, 2010

500 days of High School - You Must Have a Past Before A Future

500 Days of Summer Movie Poster

There are a lot of negative things I can say about high school. Mean girls, MEAN BOYS, bad rumors, first relationships, consequences and the list goes on. I am reminded more and more how much I despised high school as my teenage sister tells me stories. Which is why I wish I could fast forward her life and place her right in college, which to date still remain some of the best days of my life.

Unfortunately, I can’t. So before I talk about some of my favorite college memories I figured I should go back just a few years earlier and quickly thank high school - lil sis you can thank me later. Here goes:

Thank you for teaching me time management and discipline (the rest of that thank you goes to my parents), some days it seemed like college was way easy. I think being an active club member and athlete also played a huge role in this.

Thank you for teaching me boundaries and allowing me to be disciplined accurately even though I probably cursed you out for months, ie, underage drinking at high school dances will get you suspended during finals, it will cause multiple groundings and lack of a HS “social life.” Looking back I can see the error in my ways, but I think I managed to stay out of big trouble in college just because I did learn boundaries and restrictions in high school. Don’t get me wrong “Crazy Candice” still came to town at BU but she knew when enough was enough (you can read more about her later).

Thank you for teaching me how mean girls and BOYS can be. Honestly, I probably hated you the most for this very reason. It started in junior high but escalated after the first few months of my first semester in high school. Looking back it was stupid I spent so much time being upset about something so little, but the pressure of peers in high school can be just nasty. Thankfully, after having some really bad relationships, I was able to find some really great ones. Some of which I am blessed to remain in contact with today. While other relationships may have fallen through the cracks, I am still thankful for all they have taught me. Without them I wouldn’t value the friends I have today which most (not all) of whom I met during my time away at college.

Here’s what I am going to say about first relationships, they are awesome till they are over. When they are over you hope for them to be ok but sometimes they get worse. But every relationship after that gets better. You may not realize it till you look back but you start to demand more in a relationship of your partner and yourself. I don’t know exactly how “500 Days of Summer” ended but I suspect that if there ever is a sequel the main character will marry Autumn and will live a life time of happiness because he’d learned so much from his parents lack of a relationship and Summer. Or maybe it won’t work out with Autumn because he really just needed to meet Winter. You get the gist. I think without past relationships neither my husband nor I would be in the relationship that we are in with the friends and family that we surround ourselves with today. For that, high school I thank you for giving me the best most worse years of my life.

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