Saturday, January 15, 2011

Purdue/Tattoo/Last Day of Being 29 Road Trip

What are you supposed to do on your last day in twenties? Is there one thing that every one should have done at least once in their twenties? Luckily for me, I still have a few years (deep sigh - thank goodness), send me any suggestions so I can work on knocking them out.

But this post isn't about me, it's actually about the hubs. He has exactly one more day, 24 hours to be exact. Exactly one more day in his twenties.

How does he want to spend it? Exactly like it started. At Purdue, hanging with friends and (here's the kicker) and he is going to have his best friend give him a tattoo, a Purdue Pete. Yup my husband is getting his college mascot branded on him. It is fitting. College is where many people spend time defining who they are and really start thinking about who they want to be.

But lets go back to the awesome part of that last paragraph - his friend, his groomsman is an artist, in fact he's a tattoo artist. How many people get to say they got their tattoo from one of their best friends?  Not this girl, but for sure my husband.

Going back to sleep for a few hours. Should have some photos for you from the Purdue/Tattoo/last day of Being 29 Road Trip next week.

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