Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Don't send ____ to boys

My husband's Birthday is coming up and it reminded me of something that I did that was apparently terrible. And I will NEVER do it again.  Ready for it?

A few years ago my husbands birthday was close to the same time that he took a new job. I was so excited for him and I was living in a different state so I decided I wanted to send him something to work. You know as a congrats, Happy Birthday and I miss you kind of gift. I couldn't send sweets because the hubs isn't huge on them and I certainly wasn't sending a teddy bear or a fruit basket because well he would have thought both were lame. The idea of balloons made me smile but having him leave work in the windy Chicago winter with them put an image in my head of the hubs getting super frustrated and then finally just letting the balloons go.... money spent would have been wasted.

And then I stumbled across this

Yup, it's a flower arrangement that looks like beer, the carnations are foaming at the top. I thought this was perfect. The beer says congrats (in a work friendly way) and the flowers were the sweet I miss you happy Birthday message I was hoping for.

I got notification that it was delivered around noon. I waited and waited to hear something from the husband. 3 hours go by, nothing. by 5pm I figured he had to be on his way out of work so I called him. After talking for a few minutes I finally just come out and ask the question. it went something like this:

"I sent you something today did you get it?" me
"Yeah" pause "I got something alright" hubs
"ok... did you like it?" me
"I... I... I'm going to be honest, I'm not sure I get it."
(me now thinking - oh no did the wrong item get sent?)
 "It was beer flowers, get it it looks like a beer but it's flowers" me trying to say in a super convincing voice
"Oh, now that you mention it I guess it does look like beer" hubs

REALLY?!?! After that moment I swore to myself I would never send the hubs flowers ever again. Better yet, I'v decided the only thing I will ever send is heart shaped pizzas for Valentines day...that's it.

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