Friday, January 7, 2011

Boot Obsession

Thank goodness I live in a place where boots are not only accepted but expected! I have a major boot obsession. I can't write down how many pairs of boots I've actually purchased in the last year because having it on record could be a bad thing. However, I saw piperlime was having a super mega sale of all things fantastic and had to take a peek. Sure enough there are boots on sale. Damn it.

So in my attempt to not buy everything on sale, I am hoping for some blogger help. I narrowed it down to a few boots, which do I get? One of them? all of them? none of them?

I saw these in November for $120, I have a pair of high boots similar to these and I love love love them over jeans or leggings. Now that these are only $59, are they worth it? I should note, my purse and other accessories through the fall/winter are primarily grey and I don't currently own grey boots other than my Uggs which the husband is persistent that Uggs are not meant to be worn in public.

And then there are these bad boys. Very similar to the ones above but a little more rugged. Perfect for that casual weekend when you want to look casual but still be put together but not over done, you know? The pricing? $39.

When I see a pair of shoes for under $20, I often feel like if I don't by them I'm letting a perfectly good pair of shoes go right out the window. So when I saw these at $19 I had to do a double take. My only concern is they look cheap to me but on a snowy wintery day are these perfect? Are they the kind of shoes that should make me say, who cares if the Chicago salt trucks destroy them? I'm just not sure.

1 comment:

  1. For those prices I think you should purchase all three pairs! :-) Obviously you have justified the first pair since you wear a lot of gray but do not own any gray shoes, not to mention the price is too good to pass up. I agree with you on the second pair- perfect for those casual weekend looks and at $39 how can you say no. And lastly, the last pair would be perfect as your "who cares if they get ruined" boots. Boys have tennis shoes that are deemed mowing shoes so girls should have boots that are for the wear and tear of winter!
