Monday, December 27, 2010

Minne Monday

When we first moved into our house, our Boston was a wreck. High anxiety, hives, shaky legs, fast heart rate, ect. After being in the house for a few days Minne made her self at home in every room of the house except the kitchen. It was and to this day is the scariest room in the house for her. We couldn't figure out why since the kitchen is where her toy box is, it's how she gets let out to go potty and to play outside, it's where she gets dinner and it's where we give her treats. Sounds like dog heaven to us but we're people so what do we know?

After being in the house for about 3 weeks, we decided that she was terrified of the sliding glass door in the kitchen. We're still not entirely sure why but we've narrowed it down to the door itself because it slides or it could be all the shadows and reflections the big glass door makes (we're thinking that's it). We still don't have curtains up and Minne is still terrified of the room. But the other morning I walked into the kitchen to find Minne laying in front of the window. Perhaps she was sun bathing? Either way there she was calm, collected, not shaky and looking the glass door right in the eye like they were bffs.

2 hours later, Minne was terrified again. I'm not sure if she does this every day or if this was a weird one time occurrence. I'm not sure if I'll ever know, but I am happy that for at least 10 minutes of on Saturday morning, Minne made peace with the sliding glass door. 

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