Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day Weekend

This year Valentine's weekend came and went so fast. The hubs had to work on his truck, so he made another trek to Indiana, leaving me and the doggie all alone in Chicago. It was sad not to spend the entire weekend with him, but don't worry Minne and I made do. There were plenty of Valentine's day cards to go around.

Cards from Aunt Em and Uncle Ryan

With everything Minne likes, she ate them

We started the weekend out by watching the 2010 Winter Olympic Opening Ceremonies with my middle sister. They were awesome. I think we all got a little geography lesson and we really enjoyed the special effects. Especially, the when they made it look like whales were swimming around in the middle of the arena. SO cool.

Saturday was an adventure. After working our, I met with my old badminton coach (go ahead and laugh, yes I played badmitton in high school) to catch up on everything. We talked about friends, family and careers. She is now working with a law firm and she is doing some relestate so it was a great way to kick off house hunt 2010. Yup, the hubs and I may be interested in starting the house hunting process. We don't anticpiate it happening this year but we should probably start looking at some point.

After lunch I was able to get some much needed errands done and then started family time. I was able to go to my HS almamater to watch a HS basketball game and, more importantly, my little sister cheer! I hadn't made it to one basketball game all year and was pleased I was able to make it to one. It was a shame the team got slaughtered, but my sister nailed all her stunts:

Sorry my phone camera did not work well with the lights in the gym

I was then talked into a girls night with my sister and her best friend from forever ago for her friend's Birthday. Let's just say the night looked a little something like this:

The next day, I got up super early to work out and go to work. Luckily work went fast and I was able to get out at a decent time because I had gotten great news, the hubs was back just in time for my cousins dual Birthday celebration! We ended our big "Valentine's Day weekend" with Portillos so neither of us had to cook, oh and the best part? My husband let me wear sweats!

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