Friday, February 5, 2010

Super Bowl in Miami: Been there Done that Part 2

The morning of the big game was kind of soupy. I got dropped off by my aunt at the hotel in Ft Lauderdale where all the players, family, and staff stayed. The only color you could see admist the grey was blue, COLT BLUE.
Colts family and friends gathering for the big bus ride in

I didn’t know this but apparently for events like the Super Bowl, friends and family of players, coaching, and staff get bussed in by a police escort. BUT what’s even better is that even the express ways get shut down just so all the busses can get escorted in. You can see the police block here:

I am guessing that some people plan to be alongside this road block because there were fans alongside the expressways and other roads with signs. Some got out of their cars and waved to us. It was a really cool feeling, even as a Bears fan. How could you not love the Colts energy that was everywhere?!

As we got closer the weather got wetter. The temperature stayed pretty warm at first but as you can see, as we neared Joe Robbie disability was low:

So now I know what you’re thinking. “She’s a Bears fan first and foremost, how is she riding on the Colts bus to a game where the Colts are the enemy?” Secondly (maybe even more importantly, “What is she even wearing?” I guess I have always thought if you like something you shouldn’t be ashamed by it. I like the Colts. I had no shame showing up to the Super Bowl with Colts fans or even wearing a Colts shirt, pre-game any way.

My mentor and me

Yup, I ran into my boss from the Indianapolis Indians, again. What a nice surprise.

But then game time started. All allegiances were out. It was time for a Bears big victory (let’s be honest I’ve come to terms with the fact that I may never see the Cubs get there so I need to take what I can get). Go Bears:

Unfortunately but yet fortunately, the Colts win. I say that in the most honorable way to the Bears. However, since I rhode in with the Colts families and was able to take the buss back with them. This meant, post party at the hotel. Yup, Coach Dungy was the one who passes around the trophy, awesome right?

This Colts Super Bowl, I may not be in Miami but I am still routing for the Colts, lets go for 2 Peyton!

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