Thursday, November 11, 2010

Philly Night 2

After spending hours on public transportation and sight seeing, the hubs and I decided to do some walking. We figured we were a few miles away from our hotel but the map looked walkable and we could use the exercise if we were going to try to indulge in Philly cheese steaks for dinner. So we walked straight till we hit the highways and then we turned.
Thank goodness we did or we would have missed one of my favorite parts of Philly, Franklin Square. I took quite a bit of photos and will have to share them with you in a later post or else I will get way off topic.

We kept walking. After awhile I asked my husband if he was sure that we should be walking through China town since I didn't think it was on our path to get back to the hotel. He said I should worry because we were not in China town, he was sure of it.

Guess who was right?

To be honest I was getting so tired I hardly had time to gloat and we really weren't that far out of the way. And besides, we were sight seeing so why would we want to miss anything? Especially this little bells that are part of the grates by all the trees near the visitor and convention center in Philly. Cool huh?

When we spotted Mr. Penn, we knew we were getting closer to the hotel. But with this being the last night in Philly, we wanted to see as much as we could so we made our way over to the building he made his mark on, City Hall (which was my second favorite thing to look at in Philly)

If you're not from Philly and don't know much about it, you may wonder why everything in Philly is so beautiful. Well apparently, they have a city ordinance that a percentage of all construction projects have to be dedicated to public art. Pretty cool right? Now combined art with America and yo get nothing but beautiful patriotism. I really do love Philly.

Close to city hall was a fun area called Board Game Art Park. So naturally, we played, although I think Landons love for ironing came on a little to strong.

It was starting to get dark but I had to see the Love statue just in case there wasn't time for it before we headed out to NYC. I actually think I liked the road that runs all the way to the art museum as much as I loved the statue. Isn't the street beautiful?

Since our sight seeing hours were almost gone, the hubs suggested going to an east coast sporting goods retailer, Modells, so he could shop just a bit more Phillies gear. Yes, I am serious. Don't believe me?

By the time we made it back to our hotel, we were exhausted but hungry none the less. We asked the hotel concierge where the closest place was that we could get an authentic Philly Cheese. His response made us sad as the closest "real" authentic place was quite a bit away. Another guy suggested somewhere a little closer that delivered so we went with it.   

First disappointment was that they delivered me a cheese chicken, instead of a cheese steak. Second disappointment was that they only used the cheese whiz on the fries. I guess on our next trip to Philly, we'll have to plan better so we can get a real cheese steak.

And that was night 2.

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