Sunday, May 23, 2010

Last Day at Banana Republic

This weekend was my last weekend working at Banana Republic. It's been 4 long years of stocking my "professional" wardrobe and more so the hubs and working lots of nights and weekends. I do love the discount but I truely believe that the customers and the staff at all the BR's that I have worked in have been fabulous and I have worked in 4 different stores! I have learned so much about the company and Gap Inc. as a whole. I probably have not even come close to expressing my love for the brand enough but if you want to read more check out this guy here or this one.

With that said, I am sad to have today as my last day. I will miss my store manager so much. She has inspired me to do so many thing in the past 2 yrs of working with her and she has given me some fabulous guidance and advise.

Since I was in college I have never worked less than 2 jobs/internships so on a brighter note, I will have more time to house hunt, visit with friends and family and have some time with my husband and perhaps even some personal time for myself. Cheers to a bitter sweet.

PS when I turn in my discount card I might cry
PSS when I take away the hubs discount card, he might cry more

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