I know, I know. I am finally finishing up my trip to Atlanta (
part one featured here)! I will try to let the photos do all the talking in this one.
Along with doing lots of work, there were some fun activities completed in Atlanta. For example, walking through
Centennial Olympic Park on a gorgeous day. As the sun was setting, we got to see a photographer using the lighting off one of the glass buildings. It was pretty cool.
A glimpse of the CNN Building:
At night, our partners kept us hydrated by taking us to this awesome place called Stats. The best part? Check out the photo taken live at our table (yes I said table, not bar but table), I'm sure you can figure it out:
One night, we got invited to a Microsoft event at the
Georgia Aquarium, which I learned is home to the worlds largest aquarium. Check out some of these awesome photos:
Did you know these guys can get up to 800lbs?!
The aquarium is home to seven different kinds of sharks: whale sharks, great hammerhead sharks,
blacktip reef sharks, spotted or
tassled wobbegong sharks, zebra sharks, sand tiger sharks and sandbar sharks.
Can you spot them all?
Did you know that
UPS donated the cost of the shipping of the Whale Shark, which was estimated at over $200,000?! As a daughter of someone who wears brown proudly, I had to share this one:
What do you think of the whale shark?
Did you know the aquarium even has a
live webcam of the aquarium? After you glance at that and some of my photos, you may be thinking, this aquarium doesn't look very big. You're right, it doesn't. But look what happens when you add people to the photos!
They look bigger don't they?
We wrapped up the work trip by embracing one of Atlanta's most prized beverage company, Coca-Cola. We figured before we headed out of town, we had to see what Coke World was all about.
We got to see some of the most prized Coke possessions, apparently this is one of the world's largest bottle openers.
The hubs wants to take beer caps and make a sign like this one, had to share this photo with him for research obviously
I was a huge fan of some of the art work, can you tell?
And how could I forget the baseball sponsorship? Coke + Braves, well I guess it just makes sense.
So this photo is terrible...but the Polar Bear was leaving and my grandma loves this guy and all his commercials (maybe
that's why I have such a
fondness for the polar bear campaign). Regardless, this one is for you grandma!
We walked through the halls of history in advertising and the other exhibits but nothing was as cool as the last one. It was here that you can taste all of the specialty coke products drank every day around the world. By the way, please remind me never to drink the Beverly again if I am in Italy.
The Exotica
Fanta was my favorite, I wonder how much it would cost to ship it to the States?
You can hardly see it here, but this next one was one of my boss's favorites. It's called Ice and really
tastes like Ice. Not quite like sprite but really ice. It was cool.
But at the end of the day, all I wanted for myself was a yummy Diet Coke!
We stopped at the gift shop and headed on our way back to Chicago. We did notice that one of the first things you see when you exit Coke World was the Coca-Cola Building. I am
guessing they planned it that way :)
And that was my Atlanta Trip!