Saturday, March 12, 2011

Baby Disclaimer

It will be posts like the one I'm about to post, the ones that will forever leave me feeling bitter sweet. I don't know if I've touched on this in the past but the hubs and I cannot have kids. This would be fine if we didn't want them but we want them, we want a lot of them, actually at one point we both had said 10.

When I was younger the though of giving birth grossed me out but as I grow older and see life differently, I think of it more and more as a miracle. Which I guess happens to all woman at some point in their lives but the timing of this all for me right now has been a little but of a struggle.

In the past month we've had 2 members from our bridal party add to their families and one announce that they are expecting. The first births of our closest friends is really exciting. On the other end of the spectrum we've had 2 different couples from our bridal party trying for quite some time now and they keep falling short. All of this news makes me incredibly happy and sad all at the same time. I feel for the couples who are struggling but am equally emotional towards the others.

My mindset is and continues to be that everything happens for a reason. If you're a believer in God or not, it's thinking about life like that which can help get you through those hard days. At least fro me anyway. And to that point...

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