Last weekend I had the awesome experience of going to watch my dad
race. He's been doing it for a few years but race season is the same season as wedding season and after being in so many weddings and planning our own, the weekends just never seemed to fall into place. So this year I committed myself to going to see him at a local race (only 2 hours away which is nothing compared to some of the drives). While there I got to see some of my family friends that I often referred to "uncles" while growing up. It was a great little trip, see for yourself...
To get to the track you drive through some beautiful slightly hilly areas with lots of farm land, grass and trees. It's hard to not find the place beautiful. I guess that's why they call it
Blackhawk Farms Raceway.
I arrived just in time to watch my dad do his final practice. Post practice my dad made his way over to the weigh machine to make sure he was at regulation. He was. It was a good practice, not a great one but a good one.
Once he got done we all took a little break for food and afterwards stopped for cake, ice cream and root beer floats. These two made themselves cake icing lipstick. Silly but fun.
After lunch all the racers work on tuning up their car for the race. It was cool to see all the guys helping each other out even though they are all competitors once they get on the track.
Once everyone was ready and it was my dad's flight time, we made our way to the track.
I learned that my babysitter was quite the pit girl! While I was there I saw her help my dad make some adjustments to his car, check his air pressure, get gas for the car and even start his car. For a 16 year old, she's pretty bad @ss.
It was hard to capture photos of my dad actually racing because well at 70+ mph....he was just to darn fast....
The best part about the race I saw? That's obvious, when he took 1st
After the race everyone goes back to their camp sites, prep for dinner, work on cars for the next day's practice and my favorite part? They all relax.
Here's just a few other photos from race day that I really enjoyed: